Tuesday, December 31, 2019

An Analysis Of Death Be Not Proud By John Donne - 849 Words

John Donne automatically tells us who the speaker is addressing in his poem â€Å"Death be Not Proud†; death. The speaker uses apostrophe and addresses death, an abstract idea, as if it were a person. The poet pretends that death is capable of understanding his feelings, as he informally confronts death and belittles him, and tells death to not be arrogant because even though some have called him mighty and fearful, he is not. People call death these things and fear him so much for no reason, because even though people think that he kills, the people he’s taken are not really dead. The speaker states that â€Å"Poor death† cannot kill him either, he’d simply be giving him more pleasure than he would get from resting and sleeping. The speaker states†¦show more content†¦Such as how when sickness is done with its victims and they have been riddled with diseases, it passes on its leftovers for Death to finish. All of Death’s work relies on following around more powerful beings, who are doing the killing while he creates no harm or pain. The speaker then tells Death â€Å"And poppyor charms can make us sleep as well/ And better than thy stroke; why swellst thou then.† Here, the speaker is telling Death that we don’t even need death for a death and pleasurable sleep, we have other things such as poppy seeds and narcotics that would make us sleep just as well. He asks Death why he is so arrogant if we have all these things to replace Death. In these lines, the speaker is being condescending to death and referring to Death as nothing more than a sleep inducer before one’s step into eternal life. The speaker then asks death why he boasts the position he has been given if fate, chance, kings, and desperate men are those in charge of overthrowing lives, and if we have poppy seeds and charms that give us more pleasure than Death. The speaker does contradicts himself here, when he states that poppy seed and charms make people sleep â€Å"better than thy stroke.† The speaker was previously saying t hat Death’s touch is a kind of gift in disguise because he said that people have everlasting life; people do not really die when they are touched by Death, they are instead just moved to Heaven. TheShow MoreRelatedJohn Donne Death Be Not Proud Analysis799 Words   |  4 PagesIs Death the Finale? Death has always been an intriguing topic in literature. Writers have been confounded by the idea of death and the unknown afterlife for centuries. Some people believe death is the end of all things because nothing can withstand it. In John Donne’s poem, â€Å"Death, be not proud,† the poet explains his personal understanding of death and its permanence. This poem is a narrative sonnet. Although this sonnet follows the rhyme scheme of an Italian sonnet (abba cddc effe gg), it alsoRead MoreAnalysis Of Death Be Not Proud By John Donne1488 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout his poems, John Donne uses literary devices, such as imagery and diction, to discuss an overarching theme of death along with its religious implications, done most noticeably in the Holy Sonnet â€Å"Death Be Not Proud† and the lyrical poem â€Å"Hymn to God, My God, In My Sickness.† He also elaborates on the complexity of emotion, particularly in the metaphysical love poem, â€Å"The Flea .† Donne’s witty and clever style paired with his affinity for social and religious commentary allows his works toRead MoreAnalysis Of Death Be Not Proud By John Donne745 Words   |  3 PagesThe Holy Sonnet, â€Å"Death Be Not Proud† written by John Donne. He was the founder of metaphysical poems in the Elizabeth period and a religious figure. A Metaphysical Poetic style maybe philosophical and spiritual subjects that were approached with reason and often concluded in paradox. Metaphysical poets examined serious questions about existence of God the Holy Sonnet 10 was one of nineteen other Holy Sonnets he wrote. Donne was famous for his poems of life, death, and religion. This poem was writtenRead MoreAn Analysis Of Death, Be Not Proud By John Donne916 Words   |  4 PagesMany fear death just simply thinking about it; however, John Donne’s persona in the poem â€Å"Death, Be Not Proud† (published in 1633) interpret death as something pleasant rat her than the absolute end. â€Å"Death, Be Not Proud† is a single stanza consist of fourteen lines, aka a sonnet, which most line contain a word with the letter t (thee, thou, and thy) addressing to death. On the surface, one may think the poem is about one approaching to death with the thought of death can intimidate them as well asRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost And Death, Be Not Proud798 Words   |  4 PagesAshlyn Brown Angela Ivey AP Literature and Composition 22 April 2015 Poetic Analysis â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost and â€Å"Death, be not proud† by John Donne are two poems with different meanings but share one of many of the same themes. Although the poems share different meanings as a whole, the reader can conclude the same common theme from both of these poems. Even though the reader may think the poems lack a same common theme, the theme is revealed by the end of both these poems. TheseRead MoreJohn Donne and W; T Comparative Essay940 Words   |  4 Pagesthe notions of the importance of loved based relationships, and death and resurrection: central themes of Donne’s Holy Sonnets and Divine Poems. The purpose of these authors distinctly correlate as each has attempted to provide fresh insight into the human condition by challenging prevalent ideals. Thus, Edson incorporates Donne’s work to illuminate both explicit and implicit themes, creating an undeniable condition. Prior to John Donnes Judeo Christian conversion he believed that life was onlyRead MoreHoly Sonnet 10 By John Donne1607 Words   |  7 PagesJohn Donne, Holy Sonnet 10 (page 1412) John Donne presented â€Å"Holy Sonnet 10† in a very phenomenal way. Within the fourteen lines, one can really dig deep into the message that Donne is trying to portray. The reader can really read between the lines and receive something different each time this sonnet is read. I believe that is what Donne tried to do when writing â€Å"Holy Sonnet 10.† This is a sonnet that one must read more than once to really become intrigued within the meaning Donne tries toRead MorePoetry Is An Expressive Language1618 Words   |  7 Pagesperformed language that are important no matter the time frame it belongs too. Poems have been around for centuries whether it has been written or has been performed. Depending on the era poems have specific human issues (for example rape, murder and death) that are more spoken about than others. These issues are still drifting to modern day society. However, even though time goes by language does not stop, it alters. Poetic language has tec hniques, forms, structures and poetic devices. The techniqueRead More Professor Vivian Bearing vs John Donne in the Play Wit by Margaret Edson1924 Words   |  8 Pagesself-proclaimed intellectual and widely-feared professor, essentially devotes her life to the works of John Donne, a renowned metaphysical poet. She tirelessly prides herself on her exceptional skills and experience with analyzing Donne’s works, even in the midst of being diagnosed and treated for ovarian cancer. During her stay in the hospital, Vivian unwillingly sees that her lifetime analysis in Donne’s writings has only scratched the surface in comparison to the truth that she discovers in theRead More Biography of John Donne Essay3729 Words   |  15 PagesBiography of John Donne John Donne was an English poet and probably the greatest metaphysical poets of all time. He was born in 1572 to a Roman Catholic family in London. His father died when John was young leaving his mother Elisabeth to raise him and his siblings. Throughout Donne’s life his experiences with religion were full of trials and tribulations, something that can be clearly seen in his poetry over time. He remained Catholic early in life while he attended both Oxford and Cambridge

Monday, December 23, 2019

Patriarchy s Scapegoat Black Womanhood And Femininity

Patriarchy’s Scapegoat: Black womanhood and femininity – A critique of racism, gender inequality, anti-blackness, and historical exploitation of black women. Patriarchy is a social system where men dominate and govern most of the world’s economical, educational, familial, health, political, and religious systems. This political social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior females, has been taking it toll on different demographics. To maintain dominance, men exude their sensitive, inferior â€Å"masculinity† through various forms of psychological control, manipulation, violence, and terrorism. The subservient role-playing woman has to orchestrate to patriarchal chime by being nurturing, obedient, passive, and weak†¦show more content†¦However, that didn’t stop racist, white patriarchs from brutally raping millions of African women for the sole purpose of increasing their slave count. Race breeding was an act of terrorism done to these women in America. They were repeatedly impregnated again and again. They suffered from aching backs, swollen knees and ankles, multiple miscarriages, unsanitary facilities while giving birth, and they still had to work extensive hours laboring on the fields. The black woman’s identity was ripped to shreds by imperialism white supremacy patriarchy during slavery, an effect that has trickled down into future generations. Globally, the black woman has been demoralized and tarnished for generations to come after the end of slavery. The systematic, oppressive dehumanization of black womanhood was not a mere consequence of racism. It was a calculated method of social control, manipulation, and misogyny. With capitalism on the forefront of the American society during the Reconstruction years, and a booming manufacturing economy was on the rise, white supremacy capitalism patriarchy needed a group to be at the very bottom of the social hierarchy, a scapegoat. That scapegoat was black women. Manumitted black women showed that when given the same opportunities to live their lives like humans, they surpassed and excelled in all areas. Their success was a direct challenge to the racist ideologies that darker races were inherently inferior. Racist

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Artur Czapla Manager of MIG-Investments Free Essays

Arturo Cabala is the manager of my big real estate company, called MIX-elements. He was born on the 23rd February 1985 and has started his career at a very young age. While still a teenager, he has interned at companies such as Dolomite and also worked at his father’s firm to gain valuable experience. We will write a custom essay sample on Artur Czapla: Manager of MIG-Investments or any similar topic only for you Order Now He was admitted to MIX- Investments for the position of a sales representative and has worked his way up to the administrative position over the course of 3 years. His main responsibilities as a manager include allocating others’ work and supervising his subordinates. Some of the many positive qualities that enable him to perform well at the Job are motivation and consistency. His great organization skills help him make sure that all deadlines are met. Arturo Cabala Is a person who Is Incredibly demanding and expects everyone to put their best effort Into the tasks they are performing. However, at the same time he can maintain friendly relationships with all of his subordinates. Cabala Is a great worker with few blemishes which are overridden by his Immense assets. Even though he has his flaws, he Is someone highly recommendable. E administrative position over the course of 3 years. His main responsibilities as a the many positive qualities that enable him to perform well at the job are motivation are met. Arturo Cabala is a person who is incredibly demanding and expects everyone to put their best effort into the tasks they are performing. However, at the same time he can maintain friendly relationships with all of his subordinates. Cabala is a gr eat worker with few blemishes which are overridden by his immense assets. Even though he has his flaws, he is someone highly recommendable. Arturo Cabala is the manager of my big real estate company, called MIX-elements. He was born on the 23rd February 1 985 and has started his career at a very young age. While still a teenager, he has interned at companies such as Dolomite and also worked at his father’s firm to gain valuable experience. He was admitted to MIX-elements for the position of a sales representative and has worked his way up to the administrative position over the course of 3 years. His main responsibilities as a manager Include allocating others’ work and supervising his subordinates. Some of the many positive qualities that enable him to perform well at the Job are motivation and consistency. HIS great organization skills help him make sure that all deadlines are met. Arturo Cabala Is a person who Is Incredibly demanding and expects everyone to put their best effort Into the tasks they are performing. However, at the same time he can maintain friendly relationships with all of his subordinates. Cabala Is a great worker with few blemishes which are overridden by his immense assets. Even though he has his How to cite Artur Czapla: Manager of MIG-Investments, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance New York

Question: Your fund managers have complained about another firs's marketing material and the way in which fund performance is presented. It appears that the other firm's equity funds are being promoted using historic comparisons between its fund's absolute returns and your funds time weighted returns for the same period, based on data supplied by your compliance department. Explain how time weighted returns are calculated and why they are useful for the investor. Answer: Investors need to know how have their investments performed in the market and using the time-weighted return formula helps them obtain the desired detail. The term time weighted is a bit of misnomer because it does not weight time actually and instead it depends on the length of time a withdrawal or contribution is made in or out of a portfolio. It requires regular portfolio valuations whenever a deposit or withdrawal is made during a period and it is a preferred industry standard because it is not sensitive to any such withdrawals or contributions. For example: If Mr. X had invested $200and now its value is $400, and then will be considered a good investment? The answer is No, because until and unless Mr. X knows when did he make the investment and when did he cashed in, the question of good or bad does not arise. The deposits and withdrawals are also termed as External Cash Flows and periods in which these occur are further divided into other sub-periods, each having its own return calculations. The returns of these sub-periods are geometrically linked together to obtain the time-weighted return and therefore it is also termed as an average return. By Geometric linking, it implies adding 1 to each of the sub-period returns, then multiply the sub-period returns together and finally subtract 1 from the obtained result.(Parrino et. al, 2012). Time weighted return for a particular period= Ending value- Beginning value / Beginning value Further if any external cash flows occur, then calculation of each sub-period are done using the above formula and then geometrically link it using the following formula. Time weighted return for multiple periods= (1+ 1st period return) * (1+ 2nd period return) 1 It is useful for the investors because first of all, every reporting period is weighted equally regardless of what amount and time being invested. Secondly, it is an effective measurement tool in making an analysis of long time performances of the portfolios assets (Northington, 2011). Thirdly, an investor can evaluate the true performance of an investment by eliminating all contributions and withdrawals from the portfolio so that their size and timing do not distort the percentage returns and can leave only the effects of market and the investors action. Fourthly, investment managers are judged upon their investment activities that are under their control but if they do not have any control over the flow timings, then using the time weighted return for compensating the timings of flow is the best measure for evaluating the investment managers performance and comparing it with different investment managers or market index (Northington, 2011). Fifthly, GIPS i.e. Global Investment Perf ormance Standards must be met by every firm and without using time-weight return, it becomes impossible for the firms to meet this standard. Sixthly, as compared to other methods like Money-Weighted Return, investors do not need to be highly qualified or intelligent for applying this method because it is relatively very easy and simple to understand and calculate. Lastly, an investor can compute the time weighted returns with the help of a computational software when it comes to daily valuation requirement. Any modest investment that had performed quite well in the past may experience disastrous performance in the present, leaving the investors with a huge economic loss. This forces the investors to avoid the historical data or performance for future investment decisions and therefore they need the consistency and objectivity of time-weighted return to make a time-weighted performance report. Hence, time-weighted return enables an investor to ascertain the return and is helpful in the long run. References Northington, S 2011, Finance, New York, NY: Ferguson's. Parrino, R., Kidwell, D. and Bates, T 2012, Fundamentals of corporate finance, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley

Friday, November 29, 2019

Models of Implementing the Change

The outcome of globalization is evident in the opening of various markets. In many organizations, this has created an opportunity to expand operations by tapping into new markets. This means that an entity has to re-evaluate its strategies, policies, goals and work force. Thus, change is unavoidable (Riley, 2006). Amongst the work force, change is associated with uncertainty, necessitating the need to enhance management.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Models of Implementing the Change specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Various scholars have developed different methods to implement and manage change. Despite the resources committed efforts and personnel attempts to implement change result in failure. The discussion below highlights various models that aid in implementing change, diagnostic instruments and organizational change interventions. Change implementation model Lewin-Schein model Lewin initially studied the societal and psychosomatic aspects of people by hypothesizing a three-stage conjecture of how to execute various changes in an organization. Lewin model acknowledges the imperative role played by the behavioural nature of human beings in the work place. The three steps included; â€Å"unfreezing, moving and refreezing† (Schein, 1995). Unfreezing Unfreezing is the initial stage towards change implementation. Its overall goal is to create goodwill and acceptance for the pending changes. Change creates uncertainty among the workers and this stage serves as an appropriate avenue to communicate the intended transformation. The management should engage the workers and request for their contribution on impending changes (Schein, 1995). Moving Organizational changes involve overhaul of many organizational procedures and implementation of new policies. This stage’s sole objective is to equip staff members with the necessary skill to enable them work under the new procedures. S eminars and refresher courses facilitate fostering of novel policies to the staff (Schein, 1995). Refreezing The new system implemented will be the day-to-day routine of the workers. This stage prevents workers from resuming to their old routine. In essence, it facilitates the internalisation and institutionalisation of new procedures. Entirely, refreezing results in stability (Schein, 1995). Pros and cons Lewin model prioritizes informing employees about the forthcoming changes this enables implementation with minimal hitches. The main disadvantage of this model is that most organizations spent too much resources and effort on the initial stage, influencing negatively on the overall implementation process (Schein, 1995).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Kotter’s phased change model Kotter is a specialist in changes and is instrumental to the â€Å"Harvard Business Sc hool†. He made it his objective to study change in the corporate world. Kotter admits that implementation of change is a pain taking process that consumes a significant proportion of time. In his investigation, he found out that the implementation could be disintegrated into eight distinct steps. Establish sense of urgency The need for change becomes evident when the organization becomes susceptible to financial woes or loss of market share. Creation of urgency that will necessitate sufficient action is an off-putting task. Consultants may come handy in such an event (Coutts 2000). Powerful guiding coalition In most cases change begins with an individual, it then grows when significant proportion of people embrace it. This is a decisive juncture since it enables change to gather impetus. Leaders who champion for change assist in rallying other staff members (Coutts 2000). Creating a vision A vision is an illustration of what the future will be. It clarifies to followers which direction the organization will take. Vision sets the stage to attract followers and sparks passion among members for change (Coutts 2000). It equally, sets the platform for the subsequent processes. Communicating vision The leaders should make an estimate of their following and set up appropriate communication means. This enables the followers to understand, commit and value the vision. This model identifies that failure to converse the vision will likely lead to letdown (Coutts 2000). Enabling others to act in the vision The management should eliminate all obstacles that hinder the workers from working as per the new vision. In this stage, workers ought to receive training that will enable them to have adequate skills to work under new procedures (Coutts, 2000). Failure to enhance such a stage culminates in dissatisfaction in the subsequent processes. Short-term results Worker are human by nature, and will look forward to seeing immediate results therefore management will be hard pressed to deliver short-term results. Change is a lengthy process and the management should generate shot-term results and at the same time remain focused on the long-term goals (Coutts 2000).Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Models of Implementing the Change specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Consolidate gains and keep the momentum going This stage seeks to assert that implementation of change is a slow process and the management should not declare success in overhauling its policy. However, it should embark on consolidating achievements made. The management should cautiously assess progress made and give a critical picture rather than create euphoria that will reduce motivation to pursue change (Coutts, 2000). Institutionalize new business practices Members of the work force should routinely perform the fresh procedures. This is because they are the new norms of the business. At this stage, the management is aim ing at entrenching the new practices into the culture of the organization (Coutts, 2000). Pros and cons The model clearly breaks down what is to be done at each stage and acknowledges that change implementation is a lengthy process that should be allocated ample time. It also identifies that leader have a key role to play in steering the implementation of change. The use of this model would mean that that the implementation would drag on for considerable time and need a significant amount of resources (Coutts, 2000). Organizational change intervention Strategic plan A strategic plan encompasses the definition of what the company wants to achieve in future. It equally entails the allotment of necessary recourses and personnel. Moreover, it ensures that the efforts and the resources of an organization are channelled towards achieving the identified goals. Traditionally, strategic planning was the preserve of the top administration but in the current business environment the management has to seek the ideas of all workers and make them part of the plan. The top management has to lead this process by clearly giving their plans to help the company achieve its objectives. Such interventions focus on collecting ideas from workers, brainstorming, carrying out feasibility studies, developing tactics, coining an overall plan and finally communicating the strategies (Beitler, 2005).  Most organization fail to develop strategic plans as the business environment changes rapidly, in effect results to turmoil in the organization. Most organizations are market driven and should set up a plan that clearly focuses on how to maintain and expand market share. For strategic plan to be effective as an intervention, then each level of the entity must have a plan. Strategic planning main strengths lie in the ability to centre the resources of an organization towards achieving specific goals.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In addition, it collects ideas from most employees making them part of the development of the strategic plan. The major undoing of this form of interventions is where a poor plan is developed, that becomes obsolete within no time. To set up a quality plan, requires some form of expertise (Beitler, 2005). Restructuring An executive structure defines the company flow of authority. It undoubtedly sets out the corporation hierarchy. A company structure provides the needed labour to achieve the goals under the strategic plan. To achieve the objectives, a suitable and proficient flow of authority is necessary. To eliminate bureaucracy, the different positions must have clearly defined tasks. The aim of this intervention is to give the organization the appropriate structure to achieve its goals. Due to the rapidly altering commerce environment, the organization must constantly review its structure by â€Å"business process re-engineering†, which is the fundamental re-thinking of how an entity delivers its products (Beitler, 2005). An organization must choose a structure that best suits it. Examples of these structures include matrix based, process based and product based. Organization with branches should prefer a network kind of structure while those multiple products should institute a product based structure. The main undoing of restructuring as an intervention is that it keeps shifting worker to various positions thus they never settle at their work place. Its strength is that it maintains the needed work force hence an efficient organization. Overall, this intervention recreates and re-defines the organization structure so that is relevant to the organizations’ industry, product portfolio, and client base (Beitler, 2005). Diagnostic instruments Vision For change to flourish, the pioneers of the change must provide a vivid picture of the transformations they wish to institute. The transformations serve as the vision, and sparks enthusiasm to pursue transformation. The vision acts as a guide and a measure of the progress made in instituting various changes. For this diagnostic instrument to be successful, the vision must be elaborate and put together after wide consultations with the employee and the management on the issues that need to be changed. The people at the helm must practice what they emphasize for this instrument to be successful. Failure to communicate their properly will definitely lead to failure of vision as a diagnostic instrument. It is most effectual when the vision is well put together, communicated and appreciated by employees (Coutts, 2000). Urgency of change When individuals realise that the organization is susceptible to loss of customers or loss of credit finances, they spark into action, trying to create urgency for change. Most executives’ underestimate the difficulty in getting the populace to apprehend they need to do things differently in order to avert a looming crisis. This instrument asse sses the clamour for change among the employee in the entity. Urgency’s main objective is to create a state of necessity for change. Creation of urgency is usually the beginning of a lengthy process of enacting change in an entity (Coutts, 2000). References Beitler, M. (2005). A practitioner’s guide for change leaders and consultation. Web. Coutts, P. (2000).  John Kotter on Leading Change. Web. Riley, G. (2006). Globalisation – Effects. Web. Schein, H. (1995). Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory in the Field and in the. Web. This essay on Models of Implementing the Change was written and submitted by user Derr1ck to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Airlines and Strategic Management

Airlines and Strategic Management Free Online Research Papers The following report analyses the industry environment for the domestic airline industry operating out of the Coolangatta airport using Porters five force model. This report will conclude why the potential for returns is so low in this industry using Porters diamond. The report will incorporate appropriate and adequate discussion of key theoretical concepts and clear linkages between theory and practice demonstrating understanding of subject matter. The focal airline which I have chosen to analyse in the following report is Virgin Blue, in which I will be comparing it to other domestic airlines operating from the Gold Coast: Qantas, Jetstar and Tiger Airways. Air travel has changed the way people live and experience the world today. The airline industry is a strategic sector that plays a fundamental role in the globalization of other industries since it promotes tourism, world trade, foreign investment and, therefore, leads to economic growth (investopedia.com/features/industryhandbook/airline.asp, April 12, 2008). However, all airlines within the industry operate in a highly dynamic environment where various legal, social, technological and economic forces interact with each other, thus influencing their decisions and actions (investopedia.com/features/industryhandbook/airline.asp, April 12, 2008) Currently in Australia and operating from the Coolangatta Airport, are three main domestic airlines, namely Qantas, Virgin Blue and Jetstar, and currently a fourth new airline, Tiger Airways has been recently added to the market. The airline that has consistently prevailed over several challenges and obstacles over the years and has emerged triumphant is Virgin Blue Airlines. The first Virgin Blue flights began in May 2000. In 2001 Virgin Blue saw a market for domestic flights from the Gold Coast, and begun its service (virginblue.com.au/AboutUs/index.htm, April 12, 2008). The timing of Virgin Blue’s entry into the Australian domestic airline market was fortunate as it was able to fill the gap created by the failure of Ansett in September, 2001. It was at this time that Qantas dominated the market share and saw Virgin Blue as a threat. Ansetts failure allowed Virgin Blue to grow rapidly to become Australias second domestic carrier, rather than just a cut-price alternative to the established players. It also gave them access to terminal space without which growth would have been significantly limited (virginblue.com.au/AboutUs/index.htm, April 12, 2008). In the industry where airlines can face severe financial distress due to oil crisis, recessions and terrorist attacks, Virgin Blue continues to grow and prosper. The main attraction of Virgin Blue is their cheap tickets. This â€Å"budget† airline provides ‘no frills’ affordable travel. With Virgin Blue entering the airline market, families are able to travel the short distance by air rather than spending multiple hours on the road. By offering short, frequent, low-priced and convenient flights Virgin Blue has carved a niche for itself and has left its competitors behind. However, one of the drawbacks of having such a successful strategy is that it can be imitated by competitors, thus causing the company to lose its competitive advantage. Virgin Blue currently captures 30% of the domestic airline market flying inbound and out bound from the Coolangatta airport, and intends to lift its share from 30% to 50% over the next couple of years ( Sydney Morning Herlad, Aug 22, 2005). However with the introduction of Jetstar in 2004 and Tiger Airways in 2007, Virgin Blue faces the risk of limited market share, reduced profitability and the loss of competitive advantages it worked so hard at achieving. Minister of Tourism, Desley Boyle quotes that ‘In the past 12 month the domestic airline capacity at the Coolangatta Airport has soared, with an extra 9000 seats arriving and departing into the region’ (Tourism Queensland, 28/02/2008) However the result of rocketing seat numbers has not only been the cause of Virgin Blue increasing its number of flights arriving and departing from the Gold Coast, it has also been a subsequence of the introduction of Jetstar and most currently, Tiger Airways. In regards to the rise of competition delivered to airlines operating from Coolangatta Airport, the survival of the fittest rule applies more, in every sense of the word, than it ever has. In order to survive, as well as succeed, the business needs to assess its competitive environment and identify key factors that may influence its actions (Porter, 1998, p.45). The airline industry is very competitive and Michael Porter’s five-forces model can be used to analyse the intensity of the competition and the profitability of this industry. Porter’s five forces model is a business unit strategy tool which is used to make an analysis of the value of an industry structure (Hubbard, 2004, pg 35). The analysis is made by the identification of 5 fundamental competitive forces. These include: Entry of Competitors Threat of Substitutes Bargaining Power of Suppliers Bargaining Power of Buyers Rivalry among the existing players (Hubbard, 2004, pg 35) One of the forces identified by this model is the threat of new entrants which refers to the possibility of new competitors entering the industry and undermining the profits of the established businesses (Aarons, Waalewijn, 1999, pg4). The degree of threat en route for Virgin Blue in the future is determined by the existing barriers to entry. In the world today, the airline industry is so saturated that there is hardly space for a newcomer to enter the market. The biggest for this is the cost of entry. The airline industry is one of the most expensive industries, due to the cost of buying and leasing aircrafts, safety and security measures, customer service and manpower (investopedia.com/features/industryhandbook/airline.asp, April 12, 2008). Other barriers to entry which will recess new comers into the airline industry include Government restrictions and high capital costs to develop new airlines. However, the entry barriers for new airlines is lower today since the Australian domes tic airline market was deregulated in 1990, which since its founding, Virgin Blue has seen more airlines start up and existing airlines expanding their market due to this deregulation (Queensland Tourism Industry Council, 05 April 2007). This has produced far greater competition than before deregulation in most markets. The deregulation has allowed Jetstar and Tiger Airways enter the market and reduce the market share for Virgin Blue and with the added competition, together with pricing freedom, means that there is a major constraint on profitability for the airline industry. The bargaining power of buyers is another force that can affect the competitive position of a company (Porter, 1998, p.48). This refers to the amount of pressure customers can place on a business, thus, affecting its prices, volume and profit potential (Porter, 1998, p.45). The various airlines flying from the Gold Coast airport are competing for the same customer, which also results in strengthening the buyer power. Individuals wishing to travel to and from the Coolangatta airport are presented with various choices when selecting an airline but price is usually the most important factor, especially for students and families. Hence, the bargaining power of customers in the airline industry is very high since they are price sensitive and search for the best deals available. Virgin Blue attracts travellers that are price sensitive by offering them low fares and those that are convenience oriented by providing them with frequent flights. Qantas on the other hand has created a frequent f lyer program to create switching costs which may be a significant factor to a traveller when choosing which airline to fly with. In addition to buyers, suppliers can also exercise considerable pressure on a company by increasing prices or lowering the quality of products offered. The bargaining power of suppliers depends on supplier concentration, substitute supplies, switching costs, threat of forward integration and buyer information (unisanet.unisa.edu.au, 14 April 2008) Suppliers within the airline industry are concentrated since Boeing and Airbus are the main suppliers (unisanet.unisa.edu.au, 14 April 2008) As the supplier industry is dominated by Boeing and Airbus the concentration undermines the ability of airlines such as Virgin Blue to exercise control over suppliers and earn higher profits. Since Virgin Blue has a fleet of 53 Boeing 737 aircraft its supplier has a high bargaining power over Virgin Blue (virginblue.com.au/AboutUs/index.htm, April 12, 2008). However, other suppliers who work with the airline such as the providers of on board snacks do not have the same bargaining power as they are a la rger industry which allows for Virgin Blue to have a choice over who they are purchasing from. Virgin Blue will purchase their on board snacks from the supplier which is the most economic so Virgin Blue can make a higher profit margin from the goods when they are sold. The availability and threat of substitutes is another factor that can affect competition within the airline industry. It refers to the likelihood that customers may switch to another product or service that performs similar functions (Stahl, M, Grigsby D 1997, pg 145). Substitutes for air travel include travelling by train, bus or car to the desired destination. The degree of this threat depends on various factors such as money, convenience, time and personal preference of travellers. The competition from substitutes is affected by the ease of with which buyers can change over to a substitute. A key consideration is usually the buyers switching costs, however due to their low fare non-stop flights, Virgin Blue, Jetstar and Tiger airways can lure both price sensitive and convenience oriented travellers away from these substitutes. Virgin Blue has actually joined forces with its substitutes, such as car rentals and hotel and tour packages as they believe that these complement the Airl ine Industry by helping its growth and popularity. No other travel industry has such incentives and these really help the airline industry to a large extent. The final force in Porter’s model is competitive rivalry that describes the intensity of competition between established firms in an industry (Stahl, M, Grigsby D 1997, pg 148). Industries that are very competitive generally earn low profits and returns since the cost of competition is high (Stahl, M, Grigsby D 1997, pg 148). The airline industry is usually characterized by the cut-throat competition that exists among the rival airlines due to its low cost nature. Since the carriers are involved in a constant struggle to take away the market share from each other, industry growth is average and as it is easy for buyers to switch between the airline companies, depending on price, the rivalry is increased. Rivalry is also high in the airline industry due to high fixed costs, as much of the cost of a flight is fixed, there is a great opportunity for airlines to sell unsold seats cheaply, which resolve in pricing wars between the airlines (Hubbard, 2004, pg 38). The airlines are c ontinually competing against each other in terms of prices, technology, in-flight entertainment, customer services and many more areas. The net result of this competition between companies is an overall slow market growth rate. In conclusion we can understand that the airline industry is very competitive and Michael Porters five-forces model can be used to explain why the potential for returns is so low in this industry. Firstly, the threat of new companies entering the industry is high and the entry barriers are low. Secondly, the bargaining power of customers is high since they are price sensitive and search for the best deals. The third force, bargaining position of suppliers, is strong since they are concentrated and this limits the control airlines have over suppliers to reduce prices and earn higher profits. The availability and threat of substitutes is another factor that can affect a company’s competitive position. However, the degree of this threat depends on various factors such as time, money, convenience and personal preferences of travellers. The final force in Porters model is competitive rivalry between the companies within an industry. Cut-throat competition exists among the airlines and since there is a constant struggle for market share, the over all profit potential of this industry is low. REFERENCES The Industry Handbook:The Airline Industry, viewed 12 April 2008 (investopedia.com/features/industryhandbook/airline.asp) Virgin Blue Corporate Information, viewed 12 April, 2008 (virginblue.com.au/AboutUs/index.htm, April 12, 2008) Rochfort, P 2005, ‘Qantas plots no frills war with Virgin’, Sydney Morning Herald, Aug 22 Queensland Government 2002, ‘Gold Coast flying high on domestic airline seat increase’, Tourism, Regional Development and Industry, 28th February, p.1 Queensland Tourism Industry Council 2007, ‘Changes In The Sky’, Thursday, 5 April Queensland Tourism Industry Council 2004, ‘Queensland s tourism industry takes off with increased flights’, Wednesday 24 March Porter, M 1998, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, Free Press, Texas Hubbard, G 2004, Strategic Management: Thinking, Analysis Action, Pearson, Australia Swaan Aarons, H. Waalewijn, Ph 1999, knowledge base representing Porters Five Forces Model, IOS Press, Netherlands Strategic Management Accounting: Tools and Techniques of Strategy, Viewed 14th April 2008, unisanet.unisa.edu.au Stahl, M, Grigsby D 1997, Strategic Management: Total Quality and Global Competition, Blackwell Publishing, New Jersey Research Papers on Airlines and Strategic ManagementNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceTwilight of the UAWThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsDefinition of Export QuotasAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaPETSTEL analysis of IndiaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfOpen Architechture a white paper

Friday, November 22, 2019

Individual assignment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Individual assignment - Research Paper Example It has five branches in major cities in the nation and the head office is in Abu Dhabi. The central bank has seven departments which include Banking operations, Banking supervision and Examination, Financial control, treasury, Research and statistics, Administrative affairs, internal audit. The similarity between European central bank and GCC central bank is that both have established single currency for the nation. The similarity between them is idea of currency integration. But the difference will appear in case of challenges that will be faced by GCC as compared to euro currency crisis. It was seen that during global financial crisis in 2008, GCC central bank made some difference in monetary policy which had helped it to keep it rate untouched. For the central bank of GCC, main problem was not to fix the liquidity but to fix the inflation rate. It plays an important role in GCC by strengthening its economy in today’s current market. Part B Introduction The Cooperation Counc il for the Arab States of the Gulf is also known as Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). During 1980, the Union Law issued the ‘Monetary System and Organization of Banking’ which provides the authority of banking and monetary system to the Central Bank. It also gives the power of controlling and implementing monetary, banking and credit policy of UAE to the central bank. The central bank guidelines consist- 1. Currency issuing as per the law. 2. It states that the currency should be stable and it can be freely converted into foreign currencies. 3. It needs to adopt a credit policy which will help to achieve the target growth of the economy. 4. It should develop the efficiency of banking system in nation. 5. It will act as a banker to the govt. The lending capacity of the central bank has increased from AED 155.2 billion at the end of 2000 to AED 972.1 billion at the end of 2010 and foreign assets of banks operating in UAE has increased from AED 91.5 Billion at the end of 200 0 to AED 233.5 billion at the end of 2010. Thus we can see that the bank has a quite good financial position in the market (Central Bank Of The U.A.E, 2013). Part C Discussion Structure of the Suggested Central Bank for GCC Board of directors of the Central bank have reorganized the structure of the bank which is now having five branches with seven departments and seven divisions , seven units and a risk bureau. It has five branches in major cities in the nation and the head office is in Abu Dhabi. These branches have three main sections as Accounts, Banking operations and administrative affairs. The central bank has seven departments which include Banking operations, Banking supervision and Examination, Financial control, treasury, Research and statistics, Administrative affairs, internal audit. Seven divisions further add IT, Correspondent Banking, Public Relations, general Secretariat, Personnel, Legal affairs. The central bank has another vertical of seven units which includes I T projects unit, Strategy Unit, Banking and Monetary

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

East Asia in the Modern World Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

East Asia in the Modern World - Essay Example Therefore, the history of China and Korea cannot be narrated without considering Japan. However, following the 1866 abduction Koreans and subsequent attack made by the Korean soldiers on the ship that killed mostly Chinese crew, the Korean government rejected the trade demands from the western because of the unfortunate experiences of China in the Opium War. Korea was also concerned that Catholicism would spread. Moreover, it stopped it trades with Japan. In the year 1881, the Chinese diplomat, Haung Zunxian wrote â€Å"A Policy for Korea† where he recommended that Korea to develop close relationship between China and Japan. Additionally, this diplomat proposed the formation of alliance among these countries with United States so that they could defend themselves from the Russian aggression (Ebrey, Walthall, and Palais 366). These developments are clear indications that in the seventeenth century, China had good relationship with Korea despite of unfortunate occurrences that might or occurred between them. Notably, on August 20, 1882 Chinese forces arrived in Seoul under the leadership of General Wu Changqing. This force seized the gun from Taewon and sent him to Tianjin, China. 0n 29th august the same year, the Korean army and its citizens attacked and killed Chinese army. In October, Korea and Japan negotiated the Chemulp’o treaty that aimed at punishing the mutiny leaders (Ebrey, Walthall, and Palais 391). Later in 1 883, the Chinese asked Koreans to initiate commercial treaties. Between 1883 1nd 1886, Korea made unequal treaties with different countries including United States (1882), England and Germany (1883), Italy and Russia (1884), and France (1886). These developments indicate that China and Korea had strong relationship in the seventeenth

Monday, November 18, 2019

Career Development in Financial Accounts in a Bank Assignment

Career Development in Financial Accounts in a Bank - Assignment Example Academic qualifications area must have, but the soft skills describe a person’s readiness to learn and work. Experience is a definite bonus in any job qualification specifics. As an accounting student at the university, it is with no doubt that I am on the verge of getting the basic as well as the preliminary skills required to work as a bank teller. Academically, I took various subjects during my first year which are relevant to finance and banking. Accounting and management accounting are among the units I took. I did well in my exams thus my confidence in working as a bank teller. I have full comprehension of the fundamental theoretic in those subjects among others. Additionally, I have covered other subjects including business environment, people and organization. This subject entails the relations at a workplace and how to create an effective environment in order to achieve the workplace objectives. This is knowledge needed in the bank industry according to the career research I undertook. Having worked as a sales assistant, I have experienced firsthand how to deal with customers. It is very interesting and engaging and bank tellers do it similarly. They engage with customer issues and ensure they deliver the services to suit the customer’s needs. The experience as a sales assistant proved to many as well as myself that I am a reliable person in my work among other qualities like teamwork. A sales job involves teamwork and assisting your colleagues where necessary. A quality that I always employed. Moreover, my current job as a cashier at a petrol station has increased my knowledge in customer service. I enjoy my work in relating to customers. On the other hand, I work voluntarily in Oxford church. In my work, we always get involved with different people in the society and attend to them. We clean public halls, collect litter, as well as visit old people homes and orphans. The work is a worthwhile experience as it builds my eagerness to want to help people in the society where I have the means.  Ã‚  

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Role of Charged Lipids in Membrane Structure

Role of Charged Lipids in Membrane Structure An observation of BMC Bioinformatics Journal  on the Role of charged lipids in membrane structure In this journal, the experimenters make observations to note in saying that charged lipids play and important role in what they call a phenomenon. This includes lipid protein binding, membrane potential and membrane permeation (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). In this journal the experimenters note the following; effects of charged lipids on membrane properties and effect of charged lipids on membrane proteins (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). They then go on to note what they call the interplay between charged lipids and Nano sized molecules or particles (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). The objectives of the experimenters in this journal review and discuss the recent findings that describe charged lipids as active players in the membrane system (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). The experimenters in this journal will discuss how charged lipids affect membrane properties. Then further expand on how their charged nature comes into play in lipid-protein interactions (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). In further detail the experimenters focused on the recent simulation work done in the field and integrate the work in recent simulations with that of their own observations to experiments (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). The tested hypotheses in this journal is represented as testing Phosphatidylcholine (PS) for key players in preprogrammed cellular death as discussed by computer generated simulations about the properties of charged lipids (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). Who in turn also plays many roles in a variety of different processes. The experimenters noted that the null hypothesis was testing phosphatidylinositol (PI) which is often involved in the modulation of membrane receptors and their signaling processes and testing to see if there was any significant difference between the two variables due to their role in many biological processes (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). The materials and methods the experimenters introduce in this journal are preexisting scenarios. Having done their own research on charged lipids the experimenters inputted their data to continue the experimentation. The experimenters in this journal mention that that dependent variables are the various simulations of the (PS) (PI) that can get to the importance of atomistic details (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). The experimenters used the force fields for complex charged lipids as the independent variables to change or manipulate the experiment. Specifically mentioning than any model can only be as good as the underlying force field referencing Insight into the Properties of Cardiolipin Containing Bilayers from Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Using a Hybrid All-Atom/United-Atom Force Field. In this journal the experimenters reference several terms. These terms represent a few of the many biologically relevant processes where charged lipids are highlighted in the importance of understanding the function of charged lipids in cells (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016): Phosphatidylcholine or (PS): is one of the key players in programmed cell death and phosphatidylinositol or (PI): which is often involved in the modulation of membrane receptors and their signaling processes. Using already existing simulations the experimenters manipulate the force fields of the lipid bilayers in order to test the hypotheses. In this journal the results show that the experimenters have failed to reject the null hypothesis in determining that the simulation data has shown in what they refer to as a convincing manner that specific details are often important in determining the properties of charged lipids. It is not only the charge that matters. If it did, then lipids such as PS and PI would largely have the same effects, which is the not the case (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). The experimenters in this journal note that the (PI) lipids have been observed to cluster around several human RTKs and around EGFR and state the same could be said about the (PS) except that the (PI) has a better chance in interacting with proteins than the latter (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). The experimenters also note that the (PI) chemical details matter as well because the different properties of the (PI) lipids show. In conclusion the experimenters mention that (PS) (PI) have both had their fair share of attention in biology. The experimenters continue to state that when (PS) (PI) are incorporated into bilayers they have been shown to increase the ordering of phosphatidylcholine (PC) chains and state they stiffen the bilayers. The experimenters making a considerable note; state that there has been a great deal of a lack of attention being paid to diffusion. Or as they put it dynamics of charged lipids. Being specific in noting that there is a clear void for future research to fill (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). In this journal the experimenters mentioned that future work would be more than welcomed in this field stating that this field of study for complex charged lipids is not a simple feat when pertaining to force fields (Pà ¶yry Vattulainen, 2016). Comparatively speaking, the experimenters state that it is difficult to find commonalities especially when the models being tested in various studies are based on different force fields. Lastly and concluding the journal the experimenters state that studies based on the same force field work would most likely have more reliable trends that are revealing and would be most welcome. References Cited Pà ¶yry, S. Vattulainen, I. (2016). Role of charged lipids in membrane structures Insight given by simulations. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (BBA) Biomembranes, 1858(10), 2322-2333. D. Aguayo, F.D. Gonzalez-Nilo, C. Chipot, Insight into the properties of cardiolipin  containing bilayers from molecular dynamics simulations, using a hybrid all-atom/united-atom force field, J. Chem. Theory Comput. 8 (2012) 1765-1773. Abstract Reference: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bbamem.2016.03.016

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The Philosophy of Education :: Educating Teaching Learning Essays

The Philosophy of Education In this philosophy I will talk about the goals of teaching and ways to accomplish them. Also I will describe how I feel about public education, what kind of teacher is the best, and what school system works the best because of social skills and such. The disciplining of students is also discussed because it is a touchy yet very important topic. Public education is the most important form of education. It provides people with the common ability of social skills. Which can not be replaced with home school. Home school does not provide the amount of people and the situations that are presented to you at a public school. Some would argue that private school is better but not me. There is not enough difference in people they are to regulated and there is not the diversity of people. Such as in public schools I could where a pair of jeans and a tee shirt but in public school there is most likely a uniform code. That does not give you the difference of people and their attitude on life. It also lessens student’s opportunity to see how someone else expresses their lifestyle and how they grew up. Those are the people who you deal with in the real world so it is only right and vital that you deal with those types of people when you are young. If you have never experienced people than it is hard to buy, sel l, or even talk to people with whom you do not know or even understand. The purpose of education is to have the knowledge that will allow you to be successful and provide for your family. It is most important to start at a young age. That is when you learn the most. When you are young you can learn things without even trying it flows to you as if you had some weird power but it is just the fact that your brain has such a craving and is in a quest for all of the knowledge it can handle.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad

[pic] KOLEJ PROFESSIONAL MARA INDERA MAHKOTA, KUANTAN ENGLISH 1102: INTRODUCTION TO WRITING ASSESMENT 3 TITLE: BIOGRAPHICAL RECOUNT PREPARED BY: DIANA AQILA BINTI KHAIRUDDIN ID NUMBER: IDI 12-01-041 PREPARED FOR: MADAM HAZLINA BINTI MOHD KASIM SUBMISSION DATE: APRIL 20, 2012 ASSIGNMENT INFORMATION SHEET An assignment Information sheet needs to be attached to each assignment. Please fill in all details clearly and staple to the front of each assignment. Full name: DIANA AQILA BINTI KHAIRUDDIN Class: DEC 1B Email (if applicable): [email  protected] comStudent ID: IDI 12-01-041 Course: DIPLOMA IN ENGLISH COMMUNICATION (DEC) Course Title: INTRODUCTION TO WRITING Code: ENG 1213 Assignment no: 3Due Date: APRIL 20, 2012 Assignment topic: BIOGRAPHICAL RECOUNT: TUN DR. MAHATHIR BIN MOHAMAD Academic staff member: MADAM HAZLINA BINTI MOHD KASIM Student’s comments (e. g. if extension was granted) I declare that the work contained in this assignment is my own, except where acknowledgemen t of sources is made. Signed: ________________________________ Date: APRIL 20, 2012 Academic staff member’s comments: Office Use Date received |Assessment/grade |Academic staff member |Recorded | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Share/All Eng Unit Stuff/ Assignment Information Sheet He is the symbol of modernization.The longest serving Prime Minister of Malaysia and Asia, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad is a hero who brings Malaysia from the third-world country to 17th largest trading nation in the world. His outstanding vision and breadth of principle were impressed and feared by many others world leader. The purpose of this biographical recount is to highlight on his personal life, politic history and achievements. Born as Mahathir bin Iskandar [email  protected], he is mostly known as ‘Che Det’ among Malaysians. Eventhough his registered birth date is 20 December 1925 but the actual date is 10 July 1925. The reason behind this is because during that ra, his father wan ts to avoid hassles regarding age while registering for entering school’s session. Grow up in a family that emphasized on the importance of academic as well as the teachings of Islam are the secret that makes him as a great leader. Despite being only half Malay and half Indian Muslim heritage, he generally considers himself to be Malay. He is known as the sole fighter of Malay nationalism, who fights for Malay Supremacy or Lordship. Due to his primary profession as a government doctor, he had to restrain himself from getting involved in either politics or business.However, after he left Government service in 1958 to set up his own medical practical, her politic journey began when he was elected as a member of the Kedah UMNO committee. From Minister of Education to Deputy Prime Minister, he finally reaches the top on 16 July 1981 after the former third Prime Minister, Tun Hussein Onn. Although there was numbers of event, significance and controversial happenings under his lead ership include removing of the veto power and the Royal immunity from prosecution, he never give up but stand proud with his own stance without failure.During his 22 years of serving period, he embarked on various large scale national projects, such as the Multimedia Super Corridor, Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Sepang, and an adjacent Formula One circuit, Olympic-class stadium in Bukit Jalil and the Petronas Twin Towers that once become the world’s tallest building. In addition, he was considered to be one of Asia’s most influential leaders and also noted as an outspoken critic of Western-style in the Western world. As for Malaysian, he has been granted the soubriquet of Father of Modernization as for his economic development efforts.It is obvious that Dr. Mahathir was a remarkable leader sent by Heaven. Whatever judgments that neither his admirer nor his critics gave, his place in Malaysian history is secure as the amount of efforts he possessed for Ma laysia’s peace, security and prosperity are amazingly remarkable. (447 words) REFERENCES Abdullah, A. (2008) Dr. Mahathir’s Selected Letters to World Leaders, Marshall Cavendish, Malaysia, pg. 16-21 Cox, K. & Hill, D. (2004) EAP now! English for Academic Purpose, Pearson Longman, Australia, pg. 111 Mahathir, M. 2011) A Doctor in the House: The Memoirs of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, MPH, Malaysia, pg. 1-326 Savage, A. & Mayer, P. (2005) Effective Academic Writing 2, Oxford University Press, New York Suzieana, U. A. (2009) ‘A leadership scheme for international young executives hopes to unravel the mind of Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and groom transdisciplinary leaders, Internship: Understanding an Icon, News Straits Times Online, http://www. nst. com. my/channels/learning-curve/internships-understanding-an-icon-1. 35465 ( 17 April 2012)

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cricket Spectacle to Help Spur the Bangladesh Economy

India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh are co-hosting one of the biggest spectacles of the world- ICC Cricket World Cup, 2011. There is indeed a thrilling atmosphere going on, in these three countries, but this thrilling moment adds an enormous sensation in Bangladesh as it is going to be the host for such a mega event for the first time ever in the history. Question is what we look from this event. Is this just like a sporting event that should be organised with perfection only, or we try to capitalise this event to add a dimension in our country that would help us place ourselves in far better position? Undeniably such a mega event like the world cup crocket can make a significant impact on local economy and could also have a positive effect in society, which beyond any doubt Bangladesh needs to pursue. We simply cannot let this moments go away; this is the moment through which we can exalt our overall image and can surely elevate country's economy. A successful organisation of the world cup would mean a lot to Bangladesh and it would give it a great exposure. The Bangladesh economy, through this mega event, would have a positive impact and the organisers need to make sure that they do not lose this opportunity. Enhancing the name value of the region should be a major incentive for localities hosting either World Cup games or training camps. Through this world cup, we would be able to reroute global tourist flows and would be able to establish new places as tourist destinations. For those people who would be in Bangladesh to watch the world cup matches, our goal would be to show the potentialities of our countries to them. There would be many investors from around the globe here during this event and if we could have a proper exposition of our country, they would be more than happy to come back here with their businesses in Bangladesh. We must see this world cup cricket as a worthwhile endeavour for corporate sponsors and media companies, or the local organisers and the economies of the venue cities. It would be the time when Bangladeshi TV channels can show their potentialities to be awarded the rights in future to telecast some cricket events exclusively. Representatives from giant companies like Adidas, Nike, Pepsi, Coca-Cola, Emirates, and so on would be here during the world cup and the successful completion of this event would help them to understand the potentialities of Bangladesh market; these companies would sponsor Bangladesh cricket officially in future that would anyway impact the Bangladesh economy in a very constructive way. Since such a mega event is going to take place in Bangladesh for the first time ever, people would be keener to watch if Bangladesh successfully synchronises every step of this world cup event. A successful completion of this event would have greater upbeat effects on revenue generation, infrastructure legacy, and, in the longer term, on tourism and economic activity through media spotlight and return visits. Through this event Bangladesh must aim at longer-term beneficial effects, additional to direct expenditure which this event would definitely involve. Hypothetically it would occur through both return visit by the spectators and more importantly, through the increased investment and tourism activity that such an exposition brings. Studies on the propensity of visitors to major events to return to the host region have shown a pragmatic, if not staggering effect. Not only in the economic area, the event would also have a positive effect on society as well. One famous sociologist defined mega-events as ‘large scale cultural events' of mass popular appeal and international importance which are typically stage-managed by a combination of national governmental and international nongovernmental actors. Sher-e-Bangla Cricket Stadium could be the center-piece of not only cricketing events, but also of hosting of other international events, since it has been renovated with lots of facilities that could attract many people to use it for many international events. This could be the time when Bangladesh might offer Pakistan to arrange international cricket in Dhaka as their home ground, instead of going to the UAE or England. Right before starting this event, Bangladesh could establish an internet site to market the host region for this spectacle. This internet site could represent Bangladesh in various ways and can show the potentialities of this country. The inauguration of such a site, especially at this moment, would amplify the momentum of our country. The whole world would be looking at Bangladesh and we have got to make sure to utilize every bit of it. Mega-events such as the World Cup Cricket should be utilised by dominant forces in society to convey particular world views of the present and memories of the past. This world cup will bear out the close relationship between mega-events and the globalisation process: such events are concurrently driven by globalization, and promote globalisation. This spectacle has such promising aspects through which our economy can be boosted to a greater magnitude. Organising such an event means the capabilities of doing something different, which Bangladesh must realize and must utilize this momentum. There will be people watching this spectacle not in stadiums only, but people from all around the globe will be watching this event from their homes. Bangladesh has just got a huge opportunity to get closer to millions of people through which the image of our country would be elevated. It will, thus, give an opportunity to Bangladesh to change the momentum of its economy.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Billie Holiday

Billie Holiday The artist known as Billie Holiday, and later nicknamed Lady Day was born as Eleanora Fagan, in 1915. Billie’s childhood was a sad one. Her parents were never married and her father,Clarence Holiday who played guitar with Fletcher Henderson abandoned Billie and her mother early on (geocites). At some point in her childhood, her mother moved to New York, leaving her to care for her relatives who, according to Holiday, mistreated her. She quit school after the fifth grade, was sexually assaulted at the age of ten and was jailed for prostitution in her early teens (artandculture). One would think Billie’s tragic childhood would leave her in poverty for the rest of her life, but luckily her amazing voice and intense lyrics would boost her to fame. When Billie was eighteen she moved to New York to live with her mother. . She admired musicians like Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith. Holiday’s music is known to be a mixture of Armstrong’s swing and Smith’s sound (geocites). She began singing at a popular jazz club called Pods’ and Jerry’s located in Harlem. It was there that she was discovered by John Hammond who set her up with three recording sessions with Benny Goodman. After that she performed in many clubs in New York and had a decent black following. Billie gained a wider audience when she performed with Count Basie in 1937 and Artie Shaw in 1938. This made her one of the first black singers to perform with a white orchestra (pbs.org). Being one of the first black singers to perform with a white orchestra was risky. This showed that like many other famous musicians who have disrupted an era Billie was not afraid to risk everything and go against the norm of society. Billie had many hits like â€Å"Fine and Mellow† and â€Å"Lover Man†, but none of these songs shocked the world like â€Å"Strange Fruit†, a song about a lynching in the south. â€Å"Southern trees bear a strange fruit/ Blood on the leaves and bl... Free Essays on Billie Holiday Free Essays on Billie Holiday Billie Holiday The artist known as Billie Holiday, and later nicknamed Lady Day was born as Eleanora Fagan, in 1915. Billie’s childhood was a sad one. Her parents were never married and her father,Clarence Holiday who played guitar with Fletcher Henderson abandoned Billie and her mother early on (geocites). At some point in her childhood, her mother moved to New York, leaving her to care for her relatives who, according to Holiday, mistreated her. She quit school after the fifth grade, was sexually assaulted at the age of ten and was jailed for prostitution in her early teens (artandculture). One would think Billie’s tragic childhood would leave her in poverty for the rest of her life, but luckily her amazing voice and intense lyrics would boost her to fame. When Billie was eighteen she moved to New York to live with her mother. . She admired musicians like Louis Armstrong and Bessie Smith. Holiday’s music is known to be a mixture of Armstrong’s swing and Smith’s sound (geocites). She began singing at a popular jazz club called Pods’ and Jerry’s located in Harlem. It was there that she was discovered by John Hammond who set her up with three recording sessions with Benny Goodman. After that she performed in many clubs in New York and had a decent black following. Billie gained a wider audience when she performed with Count Basie in 1937 and Artie Shaw in 1938. This made her one of the first black singers to perform with a white orchestra (pbs.org). Being one of the first black singers to perform with a white orchestra was risky. This showed that like many other famous musicians who have disrupted an era Billie was not afraid to risk everything and go against the norm of society. Billie had many hits like â€Å"Fine and Mellow† and â€Å"Lover Man†, but none of these songs shocked the world like â€Å"Strange Fruit†, a song about a lynching in the south. â€Å"Southern trees bear a strange fruit/ Blood on the leaves and bl...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Business ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 3

Business ethics - Essay Example ctive of the business ethics is to whether the practice of supporting the failing financial institutions through the tax money is morally correct given the fact that financial institutions failed to perform their duties. After the financial crisis of 2008, US and other governments from the developed nations bailed-out their financial institutions by pouring in the public money. This issue created significant moral debate regarding the role of the financial institutions and the government in having allowed the bailing out of the financial institutions. Most of the arguments were based upon the notion that public money should not be spent on those who behaved irresponsibly and are the very cause of the crisis itself. The role of the financial managers in managing the money and engaging into business practices which were risky and speculative was also being deplored. This business ethics issue will therefore be explored from the perspective of the utilitarianism as well as deontology. Both these philosophical theories will be discussed first and applied to this issue in greater details. Deontological ethics are based upon the moral evaluation of the actions based upon whether the actions actually followed or adhered to any rules or not. It is also because of this reason that the deontology is often considered as rule based ethics as it stresses upon the adherence to the rules if any action is to be considered as ethical or not. There are however, different theories of deontology which outline as to how to actually treat an issue from certain perspectives. Kantian ethics of deontology suggests that the morally right way of doing things is as to whether the individuals actually performed from the perspective of the duty or not. Kant also suggests that the morality of actions shall be based upon the motives of the individuals rather than the overall consequences of taking such actions. (Shaw) Utilitarianism however, is an alternative philosophical theory which

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Organizational Buying Behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organizational Buying Behavior - Assignment Example than happen often, the organizational key goals and objectives, a change in the government policy, the changing societal practices, technology levels, and the policies and the procedures involved while purchasing in the organization (Wilson, 2010). Additionally an organization needs to identify the need to purchase a product then select the product that meets the needs of the organization. Moreover, the organization needs to have a team to manage the purchase process as well as a budget for the particular purchase. Research for the product is done with their suppliers to identify the best model at a reasonable price. In addition, the organization solicits bids from suppliers who prove to have the product that meets all the required specifications, and then the best supplier is awarded with the contract. Lastly, some of the characteristics of organizational buyers include demand for the production and sale of buyers as well as the fluctuations in demand for the product. In addition, the relationship between the seller and buyer is also a factor that should be considered (Wilson,