Tuesday, December 31, 2019

An Analysis Of Death Be Not Proud By John Donne - 849 Words

John Donne automatically tells us who the speaker is addressing in his poem â€Å"Death be Not Proud†; death. The speaker uses apostrophe and addresses death, an abstract idea, as if it were a person. The poet pretends that death is capable of understanding his feelings, as he informally confronts death and belittles him, and tells death to not be arrogant because even though some have called him mighty and fearful, he is not. People call death these things and fear him so much for no reason, because even though people think that he kills, the people he’s taken are not really dead. The speaker states that â€Å"Poor death† cannot kill him either, he’d simply be giving him more pleasure than he would get from resting and sleeping. The speaker states†¦show more content†¦Such as how when sickness is done with its victims and they have been riddled with diseases, it passes on its leftovers for Death to finish. All of Death’s work relies on following around more powerful beings, who are doing the killing while he creates no harm or pain. The speaker then tells Death â€Å"And poppyor charms can make us sleep as well/ And better than thy stroke; why swellst thou then.† Here, the speaker is telling Death that we don’t even need death for a death and pleasurable sleep, we have other things such as poppy seeds and narcotics that would make us sleep just as well. He asks Death why he is so arrogant if we have all these things to replace Death. In these lines, the speaker is being condescending to death and referring to Death as nothing more than a sleep inducer before one’s step into eternal life. The speaker then asks death why he boasts the position he has been given if fate, chance, kings, and desperate men are those in charge of overthrowing lives, and if we have poppy seeds and charms that give us more pleasure than Death. The speaker does contradicts himself here, when he states that poppy seed and charms make people sleep â€Å"better than thy stroke.† The speaker was previously saying t hat Death’s touch is a kind of gift in disguise because he said that people have everlasting life; people do not really die when they are touched by Death, they are instead just moved to Heaven. TheShow MoreRelatedJohn Donne Death Be Not Proud Analysis799 Words   |  4 PagesIs Death the Finale? Death has always been an intriguing topic in literature. Writers have been confounded by the idea of death and the unknown afterlife for centuries. Some people believe death is the end of all things because nothing can withstand it. In John Donne’s poem, â€Å"Death, be not proud,† the poet explains his personal understanding of death and its permanence. This poem is a narrative sonnet. Although this sonnet follows the rhyme scheme of an Italian sonnet (abba cddc effe gg), it alsoRead MoreAnalysis Of Death Be Not Proud By John Donne1488 Words   |  6 PagesThroughout his poems, John Donne uses literary devices, such as imagery and diction, to discuss an overarching theme of death along with its religious implications, done most noticeably in the Holy Sonnet â€Å"Death Be Not Proud† and the lyrical poem â€Å"Hymn to God, My God, In My Sickness.† He also elaborates on the complexity of emotion, particularly in the metaphysical love poem, â€Å"The Flea .† Donne’s witty and clever style paired with his affinity for social and religious commentary allows his works toRead MoreAnalysis Of Death Be Not Proud By John Donne745 Words   |  3 PagesThe Holy Sonnet, â€Å"Death Be Not Proud† written by John Donne. He was the founder of metaphysical poems in the Elizabeth period and a religious figure. A Metaphysical Poetic style maybe philosophical and spiritual subjects that were approached with reason and often concluded in paradox. Metaphysical poets examined serious questions about existence of God the Holy Sonnet 10 was one of nineteen other Holy Sonnets he wrote. Donne was famous for his poems of life, death, and religion. This poem was writtenRead MoreAn Analysis Of Death, Be Not Proud By John Donne916 Words   |  4 PagesMany fear death just simply thinking about it; however, John Donne’s persona in the poem â€Å"Death, Be Not Proud† (published in 1633) interpret death as something pleasant rat her than the absolute end. â€Å"Death, Be Not Proud† is a single stanza consist of fourteen lines, aka a sonnet, which most line contain a word with the letter t (thee, thou, and thy) addressing to death. On the surface, one may think the poem is about one approaching to death with the thought of death can intimidate them as well asRead MoreThe Road Not Taken By Robert Frost And Death, Be Not Proud798 Words   |  4 PagesAshlyn Brown Angela Ivey AP Literature and Composition 22 April 2015 Poetic Analysis â€Å"The Road Not Taken† by Robert Frost and â€Å"Death, be not proud† by John Donne are two poems with different meanings but share one of many of the same themes. Although the poems share different meanings as a whole, the reader can conclude the same common theme from both of these poems. Even though the reader may think the poems lack a same common theme, the theme is revealed by the end of both these poems. TheseRead MoreJohn Donne and W; T Comparative Essay940 Words   |  4 Pagesthe notions of the importance of loved based relationships, and death and resurrection: central themes of Donne’s Holy Sonnets and Divine Poems. The purpose of these authors distinctly correlate as each has attempted to provide fresh insight into the human condition by challenging prevalent ideals. Thus, Edson incorporates Donne’s work to illuminate both explicit and implicit themes, creating an undeniable condition. Prior to John Donnes Judeo Christian conversion he believed that life was onlyRead MoreHoly Sonnet 10 By John Donne1607 Words   |  7 PagesJohn Donne, Holy Sonnet 10 (page 1412) John Donne presented â€Å"Holy Sonnet 10† in a very phenomenal way. Within the fourteen lines, one can really dig deep into the message that Donne is trying to portray. The reader can really read between the lines and receive something different each time this sonnet is read. I believe that is what Donne tried to do when writing â€Å"Holy Sonnet 10.† This is a sonnet that one must read more than once to really become intrigued within the meaning Donne tries toRead MorePoetry Is An Expressive Language1618 Words   |  7 Pagesperformed language that are important no matter the time frame it belongs too. Poems have been around for centuries whether it has been written or has been performed. Depending on the era poems have specific human issues (for example rape, murder and death) that are more spoken about than others. These issues are still drifting to modern day society. However, even though time goes by language does not stop, it alters. Poetic language has tec hniques, forms, structures and poetic devices. The techniqueRead More Professor Vivian Bearing vs John Donne in the Play Wit by Margaret Edson1924 Words   |  8 Pagesself-proclaimed intellectual and widely-feared professor, essentially devotes her life to the works of John Donne, a renowned metaphysical poet. She tirelessly prides herself on her exceptional skills and experience with analyzing Donne’s works, even in the midst of being diagnosed and treated for ovarian cancer. During her stay in the hospital, Vivian unwillingly sees that her lifetime analysis in Donne’s writings has only scratched the surface in comparison to the truth that she discovers in theRead More Biography of John Donne Essay3729 Words   |  15 PagesBiography of John Donne John Donne was an English poet and probably the greatest metaphysical poets of all time. He was born in 1572 to a Roman Catholic family in London. His father died when John was young leaving his mother Elisabeth to raise him and his siblings. Throughout Donne’s life his experiences with religion were full of trials and tribulations, something that can be clearly seen in his poetry over time. He remained Catholic early in life while he attended both Oxford and Cambridge

Monday, December 23, 2019

Patriarchy s Scapegoat Black Womanhood And Femininity

Patriarchy’s Scapegoat: Black womanhood and femininity – A critique of racism, gender inequality, anti-blackness, and historical exploitation of black women. Patriarchy is a social system where men dominate and govern most of the world’s economical, educational, familial, health, political, and religious systems. This political social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior females, has been taking it toll on different demographics. To maintain dominance, men exude their sensitive, inferior â€Å"masculinity† through various forms of psychological control, manipulation, violence, and terrorism. The subservient role-playing woman has to orchestrate to patriarchal chime by being nurturing, obedient, passive, and weak†¦show more content†¦However, that didn’t stop racist, white patriarchs from brutally raping millions of African women for the sole purpose of increasing their slave count. Race breeding was an act of terrorism done to these women in America. They were repeatedly impregnated again and again. They suffered from aching backs, swollen knees and ankles, multiple miscarriages, unsanitary facilities while giving birth, and they still had to work extensive hours laboring on the fields. The black woman’s identity was ripped to shreds by imperialism white supremacy patriarchy during slavery, an effect that has trickled down into future generations. Globally, the black woman has been demoralized and tarnished for generations to come after the end of slavery. The systematic, oppressive dehumanization of black womanhood was not a mere consequence of racism. It was a calculated method of social control, manipulation, and misogyny. With capitalism on the forefront of the American society during the Reconstruction years, and a booming manufacturing economy was on the rise, white supremacy capitalism patriarchy needed a group to be at the very bottom of the social hierarchy, a scapegoat. That scapegoat was black women. Manumitted black women showed that when given the same opportunities to live their lives like humans, they surpassed and excelled in all areas. Their success was a direct challenge to the racist ideologies that darker races were inherently inferior. Racist

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Artur Czapla Manager of MIG-Investments Free Essays

Arturo Cabala is the manager of my big real estate company, called MIX-elements. He was born on the 23rd February 1985 and has started his career at a very young age. While still a teenager, he has interned at companies such as Dolomite and also worked at his father’s firm to gain valuable experience. We will write a custom essay sample on Artur Czapla: Manager of MIG-Investments or any similar topic only for you Order Now He was admitted to MIX- Investments for the position of a sales representative and has worked his way up to the administrative position over the course of 3 years. His main responsibilities as a manager include allocating others’ work and supervising his subordinates. Some of the many positive qualities that enable him to perform well at the Job are motivation and consistency. His great organization skills help him make sure that all deadlines are met. Arturo Cabala Is a person who Is Incredibly demanding and expects everyone to put their best effort Into the tasks they are performing. However, at the same time he can maintain friendly relationships with all of his subordinates. Cabala Is a great worker with few blemishes which are overridden by his Immense assets. Even though he has his flaws, he Is someone highly recommendable. E administrative position over the course of 3 years. His main responsibilities as a the many positive qualities that enable him to perform well at the job are motivation are met. Arturo Cabala is a person who is incredibly demanding and expects everyone to put their best effort into the tasks they are performing. However, at the same time he can maintain friendly relationships with all of his subordinates. Cabala is a gr eat worker with few blemishes which are overridden by his immense assets. Even though he has his flaws, he is someone highly recommendable. Arturo Cabala is the manager of my big real estate company, called MIX-elements. He was born on the 23rd February 1 985 and has started his career at a very young age. While still a teenager, he has interned at companies such as Dolomite and also worked at his father’s firm to gain valuable experience. He was admitted to MIX-elements for the position of a sales representative and has worked his way up to the administrative position over the course of 3 years. His main responsibilities as a manager Include allocating others’ work and supervising his subordinates. Some of the many positive qualities that enable him to perform well at the Job are motivation and consistency. HIS great organization skills help him make sure that all deadlines are met. Arturo Cabala Is a person who Is Incredibly demanding and expects everyone to put their best effort Into the tasks they are performing. However, at the same time he can maintain friendly relationships with all of his subordinates. Cabala Is a great worker with few blemishes which are overridden by his immense assets. Even though he has his How to cite Artur Czapla: Manager of MIG-Investments, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Fundamentals of Corporate Finance New York

Question: Your fund managers have complained about another firs's marketing material and the way in which fund performance is presented. It appears that the other firm's equity funds are being promoted using historic comparisons between its fund's absolute returns and your funds time weighted returns for the same period, based on data supplied by your compliance department. Explain how time weighted returns are calculated and why they are useful for the investor. Answer: Investors need to know how have their investments performed in the market and using the time-weighted return formula helps them obtain the desired detail. The term time weighted is a bit of misnomer because it does not weight time actually and instead it depends on the length of time a withdrawal or contribution is made in or out of a portfolio. It requires regular portfolio valuations whenever a deposit or withdrawal is made during a period and it is a preferred industry standard because it is not sensitive to any such withdrawals or contributions. For example: If Mr. X had invested $200and now its value is $400, and then will be considered a good investment? The answer is No, because until and unless Mr. X knows when did he make the investment and when did he cashed in, the question of good or bad does not arise. The deposits and withdrawals are also termed as External Cash Flows and periods in which these occur are further divided into other sub-periods, each having its own return calculations. The returns of these sub-periods are geometrically linked together to obtain the time-weighted return and therefore it is also termed as an average return. By Geometric linking, it implies adding 1 to each of the sub-period returns, then multiply the sub-period returns together and finally subtract 1 from the obtained result.(Parrino et. al, 2012). Time weighted return for a particular period= Ending value- Beginning value / Beginning value Further if any external cash flows occur, then calculation of each sub-period are done using the above formula and then geometrically link it using the following formula. Time weighted return for multiple periods= (1+ 1st period return) * (1+ 2nd period return) 1 It is useful for the investors because first of all, every reporting period is weighted equally regardless of what amount and time being invested. Secondly, it is an effective measurement tool in making an analysis of long time performances of the portfolios assets (Northington, 2011). Thirdly, an investor can evaluate the true performance of an investment by eliminating all contributions and withdrawals from the portfolio so that their size and timing do not distort the percentage returns and can leave only the effects of market and the investors action. Fourthly, investment managers are judged upon their investment activities that are under their control but if they do not have any control over the flow timings, then using the time weighted return for compensating the timings of flow is the best measure for evaluating the investment managers performance and comparing it with different investment managers or market index (Northington, 2011). Fifthly, GIPS i.e. Global Investment Perf ormance Standards must be met by every firm and without using time-weight return, it becomes impossible for the firms to meet this standard. Sixthly, as compared to other methods like Money-Weighted Return, investors do not need to be highly qualified or intelligent for applying this method because it is relatively very easy and simple to understand and calculate. Lastly, an investor can compute the time weighted returns with the help of a computational software when it comes to daily valuation requirement. Any modest investment that had performed quite well in the past may experience disastrous performance in the present, leaving the investors with a huge economic loss. This forces the investors to avoid the historical data or performance for future investment decisions and therefore they need the consistency and objectivity of time-weighted return to make a time-weighted performance report. Hence, time-weighted return enables an investor to ascertain the return and is helpful in the long run. References Northington, S 2011, Finance, New York, NY: Ferguson's. Parrino, R., Kidwell, D. and Bates, T 2012, Fundamentals of corporate finance, Hoboken, NJ: Wiley