Thursday, May 7, 2020

Early Education Is Important For Children - 939 Words

â€Å"In Australia, 61.5% of children of aged 3-4 attend early childhood Education and Care (ECEC) programs. Children’s experiences within these programs vary widely and impact directly on educational wellbeing and social development.† Said Tayler, a professor from Australia. In my opinion, early education is important for children, especially in preschool. There are several reasons. The first one is that early education can cultivate children s specific ability of decisive significance. The second one is early education can improve the learning efficiency. Moreover, early education can promote children s brain development. However, some people do not think early education is important. It has some negative, for example, hinder the children know the real world. In China, more and more parents let children learn some skills such as playing a musical instrument. Some parents also like to compare their child with others. If the child learns fewer skills than others, paren ts will let the child study more. I think this false direction of early education will lead children to a stressful development road. We should not only ask children have good grades or numbers of skills. On the contrary, we should help children find out their real talents and improve learning ability. Therefore, good early education is important for children. First reason is early education can cultivate children s specific ability of decisive significance .Some people said that if you do not start playing theShow MoreRelatedDevelopment Of Exceptional And Special Needs Children Essay1672 Words   |  7 PagesThe early childhood sector is increasing rapidly across the Caribbean. 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